Supply Chain Labor Rights Management | ACER ESG

Supply Chain Labor Rights Management

Supply Chain Labor Rights Management

Labor Rights Management

t the core of Acer’s responsible supply chain management is the idea of putting people first. As such, we strive to protect the rights and health of labor and provide safe workplaces. We have established a complete system of supply chain labor rights management, including conducting risk assessments, on-site audit, and education and training for suppliers, as well as conducting supply-chain-focused human rights training for Acer employees in positions relating to supplier management. To ensure that the human rights of those throughout our entire supply chain are protected and that they are treated appropriately, we also adhere to the California Transparency in Supply Chain Act of 2010, and Modern Slavery Act 2015.  

Supplier Risk Assessments

Acer’s risk assessment of its suppliers include the following items: results of supplier self- assessment, level of risk regarding plant location, supplier business relationship with Acer, and past audit results. We also strive to take into consideration the concerns of stakeholders.

Supplier Audits

After the risk assessment – based on the above criteria – has been conducted, Acer then draws up a list of suppliers that require an on-site social and environmental responsibilities audit to be undertaken by an accredited 3rd party verification agency. We also take part in RBA’s Validated Audit Process (VAP). Adopting a variety of audit models allows us to see the strengths and weaknesses of each model and more accurately uncover discrepancies in our suppliers’ implementation of their social and environmental responsibilities. We continue to improve the social and environmental responsibility in Acer supply chain.

Supplier Declaration

Acer requires all manufacturing suppliers to sign our Declaration of Compliance with RBA Code of Conduct. Suppliers must not only provide us with relevant information on social and environmental responsibilities, but also verify that their own and their suppliers’ operations conform to Acer’s human rights standards, meaning that their workers are treated with respect and dignity.

Internal Professional Training

Acer requires all employees to comply with the Acer Group Standards of Business Conduct (SBC). The SBC includes provisions relating to supply chain issues, including the use of child and forced labor. Any offense or violation against the articles in the SBC will result in corrective action proceedings according to the gravity of the offense committed. Serious offenders will face disciplinary action or be asked to leave the company accordingly. This set of standards is the highest-level behavioral criteria for all Acer employees engaged in corporate activities and is incorporated in our employee performance assessment. Furthermore, all new employees are enrolled in orientation training and asked to honor these behavioral requirements when they first join the company. Procurement staff has to take environmental requirements training when they first join the company.

Supplier Training

In order to uphold our responsibility to educate our suppliers and help them understand international tends, Acer holds annual supplier ESG communication meetings and related training sessions. This not only communicates internal trends to the supplier, but also helps them uphold their own social and environmental responsibilities. Through our communication and cooperation with improvement in all aspects of labor rights.